Prosperous Turnip, Hortus C: QWNE stole the governership position on Hortus C from incumbant members of MK-M in the most recent election. Field Reporter Slomes (a member of QWNE) was excited to share this turn of events1.
A few weeks ago, Prosperous Turnip moved their headquarters from Katoa to Promitor. After all, a top-quality publication like Prosperous Turnip deserved a primary building on the sparkling commercial jewel of the universe, rather than a backwater planet like Katoa.
Prosperous Turnip, Promitor - Easy Street Casino announced today that they’ve added psychic performances to their lineup. “Miranda” has a new show there where she does her psychic readings amongst the audience several nights a week.
APEX Promoter and Public Relations Manager, NickNack, has started a new campaign to help new CEOs in their operations to take their companies from small startups to massive industry giants.
ProsperousTurnip, Promitor - In a published notice, leadership of the GTU (previously PTU) announced their intent to slowly turn into GDP over the coming months. Leader of PTU, LordScrubjay remarked,
What we tried didn’t work and what GDP is doing obviously does, so we’re going to “boil the frog” as they say and slowly become them.
Prosperous Turnip, Etherwind - Contributors to the COGC upkeep on Etherwind were shocked to discover that the COGC workers continued to accept DW even after they received enough.