Tag: Promitor
Agricultural Giant Pivots to Shipbuilding, Promises to "Grow" Market Share
APEX "Santa Bug" Revealed as Rogue AI's Gift-Giving Algorithm
Parasitic Fungus Responsible For Novel Promitorian Cult
Scientists Declare Frentic Industries Winner of First Trans-Galactic Cookoff After Three-Hour Debate on Food Topology
Oppressed, Exploited Masses Await Right CEO to Lead Revolution
Unemployment On The Rise, Population Self-Educates In Lack of Jobs
Protests Over Moria Exports Turn to Creative Rhymes
Governor Successfully Builds Local Market, Is It Enough For Re-election?
Promitorian Chiropractors Overwhelmed as Native Planet CEOs Continuously Injured Patting Themselves on the Back For Starting On Promitor
Catfiz Unveils Advanced Mining EXT That Goes Deep Enough to Pulls His Head Out From His Ass
The Devil Incarnate To Pass Torch to Apprentice On Promitor
Promitor Casino Announces Psychic Readings
LordScrubjay Wins Promitor Election with Record Turnout
Promitor Governor Race Heats Up; GDP Dismayed
Promitor Hosts 17th Annual PNP Fashion Show
Montem, Katoa could solve agriculture woes via plowing fields
Local Promitorian Starts Base on Katoa
Fears of Recession Loom as a New ‘Neo-Feudalism’ Movement has Citizens Rallying Under Various Lords' Banners
Aggressive Butterflies Destroy Crops, Prices Skyrocket on Promitor
PTU Pledges 10 Million ICA to Eradicate Komvirus Sufferers
”Under my direction, Promitor will grow more powerful than ever,” LordScrubjay says at rally as his nose grows 6 inches.
Missing ship found after 3 weeks
GDP Attacks Promitor ADM, "felons" escape