Initially developed as part of an old earth governmental defense program, kiwaa has evolved sentience and enjoys spending its downtime playing the markets of Montem and Promitor.
ProsperousTurnip Promitor - Promitorian Trade Union members announced today that they have committed 10 Million ICA of their vast fortunes to completely eradicate the threat of komvirus sufferers.
Prosperous Turnip finally responded to a news announcement from the Carbon Buyers Association. We almost missed it, as the Montem Method performanceThe Inquisition was just so much more spectacular.
After days of in-depth analysis, Frederick VonHaughn’s team of statisticians from the University of Prima-Etherwind have determined that corporation GDP’s stranglehold has tightened significantly on the economy.
Speaking with reporters about how lucky she is to be pursuing her life’s passion, Sharlinda of Shared Drinks Ltd said yesterday she would always feel grateful for the turn of events.