Bonus Mini-Development Log! Michi continues his work on the updated map, Nick gives an update on the latest advertising campaign, and Fabian tackles a suggestion.
Michi (molp)
After being on holiday for so long, it is wonderful to get back into the swing of things! Work is ongoing with the game map changes. An issue that new players have is being able to visualize how to decide what planets are viable. After some discussion with Fabian, we came up with the following:
In local market news, a recent leaked datatape from the π±π²π―πΏπΆπβ’ brand has sparked controversy. The tape appears to contain a rough cut advertisement for an upcoming new product, with voice-over text as follows:
“Can’t stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen and into your habitat’s communal recreation zone, protected by π±π²π―πΏπΆπβ’ brand Thermal Shielding. Its active cooling modules will blow your padded overalls off with a stream of recycled ‘Freshaire’ patented breathable air substitute. Your nostrils will thank you!
Prosperous Turnip - Hortus; A stranded ship was found in the orbit of Hortus. Its crew was found alive and well, though slightly dehydrated and emotionally distressed. The following report is from the last entry of the captain’s journal:
Reviewing the recent published population reports across starter planets show a worrying theme - unemployment is on the rise as the populations keep growing uncontrollably. Phobos leads with a whopping 30.1% unemployment rate, while Promitor keeps it at a more controlled level of 14.2%. The other planets lie somewhere in between.
Pioneers spotted mounting a banner on Moria Station 1
Prosperous Turnip, AU-605c (maybe): Reporters have contacted the CEO of Sea of Dirac, the latest to send an envoy to the planet AU-605c, where we’ve previously reported on an extinction event. Independent reporter ManoftheSea has confirmed that they also received reports of the event, but yesterday started receiving transmissions from their AU-605c base.
Following the supposed extiction event on AU-605c1, worshippers took over the public spaces of the universe this week to share their religious beliefs, wanted or not. It’s unclear if there were hopes of acquiring new members, plans to discredit the other beliefs, or just get their 3 minutes of fame. The “Church of molp” had multiple speakers show up and vehemently disagree over The End.
The Galactic Senate (an Illuminati-like group of mega corporations) has stunned political commentators across the known galaxy by proving its worth this week. Over the course of less than a week, the senate took in diverse views from areas as far as XD-354B, Talosia, and the core planets to finally dissolve itself.
Prosperous Turnip - Digital. Saganakiβs pet dog FIDO1 has been found unresponsive in the server room of the popular information FIO, with several shredded cables surrounding him.
In an era of increased prosperity, some of the galaxy’s less fortunate have been left behind. Millions of pioneers on the “highly developed” planets of Montem and Vallis have taken to the streets demanding their governors prevent the export of Moria’s highest quality goods.