Manoj, "New" APEX Developer, Actually Figment of Teams' Imagination

After promises to increase developer count by 33%, APEX Developer Martin announced the successful on-boarding of developer Manoj. A Prosperous Turnip investigation has revealed that “Manoj” is in fact, a figment of the team’s imagination.

Photo provided by paranormal research team

We were all hanging out at Martin’s flat near the server room1 when Fabian brought out some Absinthe and Malört. Before I knew it, we’d decided to hire some bloke named Manoj. Not really sure where he came from, but it was a heck of a night!

Prosperous Turnip investigative team2 has managed to uncover a more accurate photograph of the team’s group outing. We’re not sure why it looks that way. If Manoj is a figment of the APEX team’s imagination, surely it would be a blank spot in the image, rather than a ghost.

Either way, Prosperous Turnip is thrilled that the APEX team has found a new developer.

  1. Yes, this server room↩︎

  2. It was a paid investigative team of “paranormal researchers.” They came with their own certification, created by them, and for them. Seemed legit enough. ↩︎