ProsperousUniverse To Restructure Business Model Around Temporary EVE Outages

Immediately following EVE’s most recent temporary outage, Nick of ProsperousUniverse announced a new business model which relies exclusively on spikes of users due to temporary EVE outages.

We call it the “crumbs model”. Basically, we await for users that happen to find us after any downtime EVE sees. Of course, I’ve also done some search engine optimization for the phrase “games like EVE online but not EVE online.”

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Further elaborating on the crumbs model, Nick described that during the recent downtime:

It was almost as if CCP Games dropped a whole dinner plate fell to the ground! Like a dog looking for scraps, we inhaled what we could before EVE came online and we were sent back to our kennel.

ProsperousTurnip editor-in-chief Kovus, the guy that does nothing and accepts paychecks, thought briefly about copying the business model in order to acquire more readers. However, it was soon brought up that we are already the best news in the universe. The only way to increase readership is for the universe to acquire more people and/or birth more slaves workers.